
—Theological Commentary — Homer Kizer

September 12, 2016 ©Homer Kizer

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“The Lesson of the Fig Tree”

Part Two

From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and put out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things [the sun darken and stars fall], you know that He [Christ] is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation [the generation that sees the sun darken and the moon not give off light] will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. (Matt 24:32–35)



Although when the world will be baptized in spirit, signified by the sign of the sun going dark and the moon not giving off its light (Matt 24:29 — the moon won’t reflect light from a darkened sun) is somewhat ambiguous in Matthew’s Gospel, dating when this sign will occur can be, since revelation was given to John, declared with greater certainty: these signs will visually reveal when the world will be baptized in spirit, with this baptism in spirit to occur halfway through the seven endtime years. The world will then be baptized in fire after the Thousand Years of the Millennium.

Two baptisms of the world are to come, with these two baptisms announced by John the Baptist—“‘Be He who is coming after me is mightier than I … He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire’” (Matt 3:11)—but John does not seemingly separate these two baptisms by any passage of time. Hence the Second Sophist novelist who wrote Acts juxtaposes “tongues as of fire” (Acts 2:2–3) with the sound of violent wind [pnoespneuma on steroids] to get the first apostles, not the whole world, baptized in spirit and fire. And again, we find this Greek novelist composing fiction without himself possessing spiritual understanding, regardless of what his intentions were.

For readers who might benefit from a refresher course, John the Revelator says that he is the brother of you and partner in the Affliction and Kingdom and Endurance in Jesus (Rev 1:9 direct translation). Note, there is no definite article for either “Kingdom” or “Endurance”; both share the definite article for “the Affliction,” thereby linguistically linking these three periods together into one period, with the sequential order of the Affliction, Kingdom, and Endurance forming the chronological structure for the seven endtime years of tribulation, with the 1260 days of the Affliction [the time of the ministry of the two witnesses] forming the non-symmetrical mirror image of the 1260 days of Endurance in Jesus, and with the doubled day 1260 representing the Kingdom, or said otherwise, representing the transference of dominion over the single kingdom of this world from the Adversary to the Son of Man (see Dan 7:9–14; Rev 11:15–18; 12:7–12) … the preceding is a mouthful, an example of the type of sentences I tended to write when studying Tudor prose in graduate school, but the important point that needs conveyed by the somewhat out-of-control sentence is that day 1260 is a “doubled day” because the counting of days for the Affliction begins with the Second Passover liberation of a second Israel, day 1 being one day after the Second Passover. This count goes to day 1260 [if Jesus doesn’t cut time short for the sake of the Elect], the last day when the Adversary retains dominion over the single kingdom of this world: this will be 1260 days after the Second Passover barring time being cut short for the sake of the Elect, the chosen ones (Matt 24:22).

The counting of the days for the Endurance of Jesus begins with the following day, day 1260 of the Endurance, the first day when dominion over the Kingdom belongs to the Son of Man. And enduring another 1260 days of tribulation will be easier when counting down to when the glorified Jesus will come as the King of kings and Lord of lords than adding up the days the person has suffered. Therefore, there is a day 1260 in the Affliction, and a day 1260 in the Endurance, back to back days that represent when everything changes through the collapse of the Adversary’s broadcast of his nature, his rebellion, and when his dominion over this world is taken from him, and when the Son of Man baptizes the world (all flesh) in the spirit of God, thereby liberating Muslims and Hindis and Buddhists and every other “ists” from indwelling sin and death, while writing the Law on all hearts and placing the Law in all minds so that all of the remaining third part of humanity (all of the world’s pre-Second Passover population that remains alive) will know God, Father and Son.

As with Christians in the Affliction, the remaining third part of the little ones [humanity] when baptized in spirit in the Endurance will be freed from indwelling Sin and Death. Each will truly know the Lord; each will have the power necessary for their inner selves to rule over their fleshly bodies. And most will, because it has been their habit to mentally rule the flesh, remain spiritual virgins by not taking Sin back inside themselves. They will symbolically form spiritual Seth, the third son of Adam [mankind].

The first shall be last, and the last first: the third part of the little ones will be saved, either spiritually by being glorified when Christ returns, or physically by living as men and women into the Millennium—and then living through the Millennium and until the Adversary is loosed from the Abyss for a short while [three and a half years] after the Thousand Years. That is correct: the long lives of the pre-Flood patriarchs will form the physical shadow and copy of the long lives lived by those of the third part who live into the Millennium, the reality of being liberated from indwelling Sin and Death.

The first Adam fathered three sons, Cain, Abel, and Seth. The last Adam, Christ Jesus, will also give birth to three sons, a spiritual Cain who will murder and betray his brothers in Christ; a spiritual Abel who will be killed by fellow Christians but who will remain without sin and will therefore be resurrected to glory and in glory when Jesus returns as the Messiah; and a spiritual Seth who only has to endure to the end to be saved.

Even here on Adak, I can hear Christians object to this scenario, their reasoning being, why should God deliver them to the Adversary after they are filled with spirit but not deliver the third part of the little ones to the Adversary … God delivers the Adversary to this third part by casting the Adversary from heaven and into space-time from which the Adversary cannot escape—he cannot escape because he won’t know how; for as Nebuchadnezzar, the physical king of Babylon was given the mind of a beast for seven years, the Adversary as the spiritual king of Babylon will be given the mind of a man for seven years, the 1260 days of the Endurance, then the 1260 days of the “short while” when he will be released after the Thousand Years. And as human engineers and scientists do not know how to cross dimensions (know how to suspend physicality and enter into timelessness), the Adversary, employing all of the human technology he can gather together, will not discover how he can escape from the glorious death chamber into which he has been cast.

The Adversary is the true Antichrist, the “beast rising out of the earth” with “two horns like a lamb” and speaking “like a dragon” (Rev 13:11). And it is this beast that will create and make speak “Death,” the demonic fourth king dealt a mortal wound when dominion is taken from spiritual Babylon and given to the Son of Man …

When the dominion over the single kingdom of this world is given to the Son of Man, a countdown from day 1260 begins and will not end until day 1, with the Messiah returning on the following day. And throughout this countdown to the launch of the Millennium, none of the little ones can buy or sell [engage in the transactional economy] and still live spiritually, but all who endure to the end shall be saved (glorified), with “enduring to the end” being them exercising faith in God in a concentrated manner, thereby cramming into 1260 days the faith that the Elect built up over decades.

During the Endurance in Jesus, all who call upon the name of the Lord (God, Father and Son) will be saved. And the objections of still-physically-living-but-spiritually-dead Christians who made themselves into spiritual Cain will be many and will be loud, with God being accused of being unfair, of being biased against those who have over time worshiped Him, but who unwittingly falsely worshiped Him and returned to their false worship even after being filled with the spirit of God.

Christian, you, you know who you are, what is so difficult about keeping the Passover, taking the Passover sacraments of broken Bread and drinking from the Cup on the Passover as Moses commanded, and as Jesus left an example with His disciples? Why won’t you do this simple thing? Why won’t you cover your sins with the blood of Christ Jesus? What makes you think that the sacraments of Bread and Drink should be taken daily, or weekly, or quarterly, when since Moses, the Passover has been annually observed in the spring of the year, in the first month following the spring equinox, with a make-up date in the second month, such is the importance of taking the Passover? Are you, Christian, so arrogant that you believe God will accept you just the way you are? Did the Lord accept Cain’s sacrifice just the way Cain offered it? Did He accept Korah and 250 chief men of the assembly’s worship of Him? No, He didn’t even accept Aaron’s sons offering unauthorized fire to Him. So why would you think you can dictate terms to the Lord, place conditions on how you will worship Him, pray without understanding and expect to be heard? To do so is stupidly arrogant. And yet after you will murder your spiritual brothers who won’t go along with you, you will accuse God of being unfair when He fills Hindis and Buddhists and Muslims with spirit through baptizing them in spirit (they wouldn’t have accepted the spirit of the “Christian” God any other way, such is the worldwide stench of Christianity) and tell them that all who endure to the end shall be saved. It is you who is unfair; for you received the spirit first and it is you who committed blasphemy against it by taking sin—lawlessness—back inside yourself, and now [in the Endurance] you want a do-over. Salvation isn’t like the game of golf. There will be no mulligans.

The man of perdition in the Affliction will be an Arian Christian possessed by the Adversary, a human man with the mind of a spirit being. In the Endurance, the mirror image of the man of perdition will be the Adversary cast into time and given the mind of a man, a spirit being with the mind of a human person … the Affliction forms the dark or earthly shadow of the Endurance, these two time-periods functioning as a narrative thought-couplet, with both periods being times of trouble such as the earth has never previously experienced.

Too many would-be teachers of Israel shop around in John’s vision, the Book of Revelation, pluck a passage from here and set it in their shopping cart next to a passage from there, and then make declarative statements about the scarlet woman and the beast she rides, usually trumpeting their opinion that the woman is the Roman Church. However, these would-be teachers of Israel know neither Scripture nor the power of God and are as spiritually dense as were Sadducees who wanted to know whose wife the women married to seven brothers would be in the kingdom.


So that it remains fresh in readers’ mind, the chronology of the seven endtime years of tribulation will see the Second Passover liberation of a second Israel on the 15th day of the second month of the sacred calendar, a Thursday, followed by the 1260 days of the Affliction, followed by the doubled day 1260 that time links the shadow to its reality, the Affliction to the Endurance, then followed by the 1260 days of the Endurance of Jesus, followed by restoration of the temple, the return of the Messiah, and the Wedding Supper, all on one day as the Second Passover was on one day. The Apostasy about which Paul wrote (2 Thess 2:3) comes on a Sunday in December, 220 days after the Second Passover. Its mirror image, however, comes 250 days into the Endurance, suggesting that the count for the rebellion against the prince of the power of the air actually precedes the Second Passover by 30 days, therefore starting the count for rebellion against God on the Passover. And that should concern greater Christendom.

By Christians not taking the Passover sacraments of Bread and Drink on the Passover, Christians openly display their rebellion against God, Father and Son. Therefore, on the year of the Second Passover liberation of a second Israel, greater Christendom’s rebellion against God begins at the Passover and will build up energy until it erupts 250 days later, at the Apostasy, on day 220 of the Affliction.

For a number of years, I have said that because of the 1290 days following the Apostasy, which is the great falling away when Christians reject righteousness and thereby put an end to the “daily” [Christians keeping the Commandments, the reality foreshadowed by Grace—Christians being covered by the garment of Jesus’ righteousness], the rebellion against the Antichrist in the Endurance will be 250 days into the Endurance, thereby placing importance on the 30 days between the Passover and the Second Passover. But I have simultaneously said that these 30 days lay outside the shadow so that we cannot know what their importance is … today I can say that in the year of the Second Passover, greater Christendom’s rebellion against God begins on the Passover, not after the Second Passover—

The American president has the “bully pulpit” from which he can speak directly to the people. The Adversary as the prince of the power of the air can “speak” to living creatures through the broadcast of his thoughts, his nature, his rebellion against God—his bully pulpit. And once liberated from indwelling Sin and Death, Christians who love God more than their physical lives will resist the Adversary’s broadcast. These Christians will not succumb to the Adversary’s broadcast; they will not rebel against God. But they will be the exceptions, the salt that makes humanity palatable to God. For most of greater Christendom will rebel on the Apostasy by openly returning to Sin, their rebellion having begun on the Passover. And while it might not be known if Christendom’s rebellion at the Passover will take any form other than its traditional rejection of Jesus, the suggestion of prophecy is that it will.

In the Endurance, the Adversary will no longer be the prince of the power of the air. The Son of Man will be the newly reigning prince of the power of the air—and by baptizing all flesh in spirit, He will broadcast His nature, His thoughts, His loyalty to God to all living creatures. Therefore, when the Antichrist threatens to kill—and actually kills some of the little ones—the Adversary as the Antichrist will meet with rebellion against him, with this rebellion coming to its head on a particular day 250 days into the Endurance … it cannot be known beforehand when this day is; for the Affliction will be cut short for the sake of the Elect: the 1260 days of the Affliction will be some few days less than 1260. Therefore, the beginning of the Endurance cannot be known in advance, nor can be known the day and date of Jesus’ return as the Messiah. However, it seems probable that within a thirty-day window, certain claims can be made: if the Second Passover were to occur in 2024, then Christ would return in 2031 on or about when He ascended in 31 CE. It might well be that He returns on the first day of the sacred year. But what we know without certainty, the Father knows for certain.

Now back to the claim that God is unfair, which has been the Adversary’s claim since iniquity was found in him. Once filled with spirit, Christians in the Affliction will have the testimony of the two witnesses, two brothers as Moses and Aaron were two brothers—and as Israel in the wilderness rebelled against Moses, Christians in the Affliction will rebel against the two witnesses.

The Adversary’s counter to the two witnesses will be the man of perdition, again an Arian Christian possessed by the Adversary, and the “false prophet,” a demonic king who has been made to stand as a man stands and speak as a man speaks … because the man of perdition will be an Arian Christian, it is likely that the false prophet will come to the office of “Prophet” that already exists in Salt Lake City.

When Constantine embraced Christendom to bring peace and unity to the Roman Empire that was, when he came to power, divided and warring against itself, Constantine found that Christianity itself was divided, warring with words about the nature of Christ Jesus. Was Jesus a begotten entity, the only begotten Son of God the Father, or was Jesus “God” as the Father was God? At the Council of Nicea (ca 325 CE), Emperor Constantine came down on the side of bishops who argued for equality between the Father and the Son [the beginnings of a triune deity], and even Eusebius of Nicomedia, an Arian, supported the decision of the majority, justifying the vote of his hand by the rejection of the majority’s opinion with his mind … there would have been no way for Eusebius to bring Doctor Arius’ teaching back into the Church if he had gotten himself put out as Arius was put out. And as it was, Eusebius baptized Constantine, and had enough influence inside the family that Constantine’s son, Constantine II, was an Arian Christian and undid most of what was done at and just after the Council of Nicea, when the spiritual Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27) was officially buried through rejection of Passover observance.

Most Trinitarian Christians know little or nothing of the bitter dispute between Arian and Trinitarian Christendom that lasted for two or more centuries; for the three times Rome was sacked, the barbarians that did the sacking were Arian Christians, hardly barbarians at all. Eventually, however, the Arian movement lost momentum and was largely absorbed by Islam’s spread across North Africa and into Spain.

But as I have written, ideas are difficult to kill … in North America at the time of the second Great Revival, a modified form of Arianism—a neo-Arian theology—spread from New York state into Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, and then went west, planting itself in the geographical doughnut hole that wasn’t then a part of the United States. Plural marriages were not accepted within Trinitarian fellowships, and Trinitarian zealots were determined to erase from the face of this earth any teaching of difference between the Father and the Son and their breath [pneuma ’agion]. It is the teaching of the Trinity that today separates neo-Arian theologies from mainstream Christianity.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a neo-Arian denomination, differing in theology from what Doctor Arias taught by when Jesus was begotten [created] by the Father … as a theology, Latter Day Saints doctrines are as “Christian” as are the doctrines of the Roman Church, or the Lutheran Church—and their dogmas are just as wrong. But Latter Day Saints, like Roman Catholics or “Friends” will be filled-with and empowered by the spirit of God at the Second Passover liberation of a second Israel. There will be no distinction by God. All who profess that Jesus is Lord will be filled with spirit—and then delivered to the Adversary for the destruction of the flesh.

A Mormon might understand why God would deliver a Catholic to the Adversary for the destruction of the flesh, and a Catholic might understand why God would deliver a Mormon to the Adversary—and a Seventh Day Adventist will understand why God will deliver both a Mormon and a Catholic to the Adversary, but thanks to the teachings of Ellen G. White, Seventh Day Adventists refuse to take the Passover sacraments on the Passover. They refuse to cover their sins with the blood of the covenant. So why shouldn’t God also deliver Adventists to the Adversary for the destruction of their fleshly members?

If the Adversary, the present prince of the power of the air, has deceived the whole world (Rev 12:9)—all of humanity—what part of greater Christendom is not deceived? And if all of Christendom has been deceived, why should God not deliver all of Christianity to the Adversary after cleaning up the thoughts of every Christian by filling all Christians with His holy spirit? Where is there any unfairness in returning to the Adversary those who are today his slaves? After all, the vast majority of greater Christendom hasn’t been purchased from the Adversary by the blood of Christ; for these Christians refuse to be covered by Christ’s blood by their refusal to take the Passover sacraments on the Passover. Thus, they still belong to the Adversary.

I will pause here as there is much more that I need to say, but I have the mundane work of putting in a chimney that I need to do for the remainder of the day. Part Three of this End Note will pick up here.


"Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved."

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